Jun 10, 2012 - Federal Pacific's Stab-Lok circuit breaker

Dear Unit Owners,

When the building was first converted into condominiums in 1982, each unit was fitted with a circuit breaker system, Stab-Lok, by Federal Pacific.

Federal Pacific’s Stab-Lok circuit breaker system was recalled shortly after release due to failures causing fires. Additionally, due to the dissolution of Federal Pacific, it is very difficult to obtain replacement parts for this system. Some have been found on eBay, though the quality of those parts cannot be verified.

While some individual units have been replaced, some units still use this system. It is recommended that all unit owners still using the original Federal Pacific Stab-Lok system have regular safety check-ups or, if possible, replace the system.

For more info visit: http://inspectapedia.com/fpe/fpepanel.htm

Thank you,
The Pickering North Condominium Association
Board of Managers